Revolution Justified communicates what I want the people to know about climate change and our energy issues.
James Hansen – “The world’s pre-eminent climate scientist” (Guardian) and “One of the world’s 100 most influential people” (Time Magazine).

In my opinion, the role of money in our nations’ capitals is the biggest problem for democracy and for the planet. In the climate and energy debate we need more pressure and involvement from the public, willing to defend our rights and those of our children and grandchildren using all the means of our laws to achieve justice and the sound function of democracy. Revolution Justified communicates what I want the general public to know about climate change, our energy issues and the threat that special interests pose for democracy and humanity – and it does so in a very compelling and understandable fashion. Ultimately, broad public support will be essential to achieve the changes needed to phase out fossil fuel emissions.
Revolution Justified helps us understand and embrace the legitimate role, power and potential of the legal system to ignite a strategy of change.
William McDonough – co-author of the international bestseller Cradle to Cradle – Remaking the Way We Make Things and “Hero for the Planet” (Time Magazine)

This book puts in our hands a witness to the evidence of tragic socio-economic consequences already upon us because of an out of date energy design. It also shows us that implementing a new energy design, necessary for continued prosperity without massive liabilities or fear, urgently needs coherent, positive, judicial leadership to break the status quo in the energy world. Revolution Justified helps us understand and embrace the legitimate role, power and potential of the legal system to ignite a strategy of change and create a level playing field for commerce to act in ways that divert us from the ad hoc strategy of tragedy we manifest daily.
This book gives power back to the people!
Wubbo Ockels – First Dutch astronaut and Professor Sustainable Technology

Where is the sense of responsibility of those who hold power? Why can a few profit at the risk of so many? There seems to be a fundamental injustice in the way we are developing our world. This book by Roger Cox gives power back to the people, showing them the rights they have. I use his book in my lectures and am very stirred by his work because I see myself, too, as a missionary for sustainable culture and society. For me, this goes back to my spaceflight on the US Space Shuttle Challenger in 1985, and is expressed in a metaphor I use: We are Astronaut of Spaceship Earth®. We are not aware of the vulnerability of our existence we do not feel ourselves to be the crew members of this ship. But it is time that we do. Revolution Justified is a compass to guide us to do our duty and Roger Cox is an excellent skipper.
The best book I’ve read in years. This is a must read for every politician and citizen.
Marjan Minnesma – No. 1 in Trouw newspaper’s Sustainability Top 100 in 2012, Director of Urgenda Foundation

Revolution Justified is the definitive book on the most important of global issues, the double energy problem of climate change and oil decline. The best book I’ve read in years. This is a must read for every politician and citizen. After reading Cox’s book, there is no denying the severity of the situation anymore.
Anyone already suffering sleepless nights due to the Euro crisis had better steer clear of Revolution Justified.
Friesch Dagblad – newspaper
Non-fiction that reads like a horror story. Not for anyone who worries or scares easily.
Dagblad de Limburger – newspaper
Written for a wide readership, this book explains the extreme urgency of sustainable development and why this is the only way to make the economy stronger and more resilient.
Willem Lageweg – Director of MVO Nederland, the Dutch CSR organization
This book reads as a piercing indictment, with national governments as the accused.
P+ – weblog and magazine on sustainability